Sunday, January 16, 2011

Double trouble...

I was around seven years old and in trouble as usual. Mother had sentenced me to bed early for my crimes of the day. I do not recall the reason for the decree, but most likely I had pulled one too many pranks. As this was the most devastating punishment she could have come up with, I was furious! I stomped as loudly as I could get by with all the way to my room. As I reached to retrieve my pajamas from the dresser, out of the corner of my eye I noticed our kitten clinging to the window screen outside. Ah ha! Since I was in trouble, someone else should be too, might as well be the kitten!

I quietly approached the window, not wanting to alarm the kitten. I did not want it to jump off the screen before I had the opportunity to dispense punishment for such a horrid offense. I slowly pulled back my hand, then w-h-a-c-k; I slapped the screen while saying, “Get off the screen you damn cat!”

I had done it! I had said my first “cuss” word out loud! I felt vindicated and was reveling in my callousness until I heard a voice chuckle, “You only thought you were in trouble, I’m telling your mama.” It was Nera*! She was sitting in the dark on the front porch! I was sunk!

Needless to say, I did go to bed early. But had the added luxury of the taste of soap in my mouth as I drifted off to sleep.

*Nera was an old friend of the family who lived with us. She felt a certain “ownership” of me as she had been a nurse and was present when I was born. So I am sure there are more stories to come about her.

1 comment:

Arona Henneke said...

Ha Ha
I love it! This is going to be fun.